Behaviour Consultations
What qualifies for a Behaviour consult?
Fear related issues
Fearfulness, lack of confidence, specific fear issues and phobias.
Separation related issues
Isolation distress, barking, destructive behaviour.
Excessive behaviours
Excessive licking, pica, humping, squirrels!
Anti-social behaviour
Reactivity, aggressive behaviour, dogs and children.
How does it work?
Behaviour Consultations are 60 to 90 minutes long, usually in your home or online. Private consultations are for behavioural issues that cannot be resolved through training exclusively.
As certified Animal Behaviourists, we make it our business to first rule out any underlying pain or medical reason for a change in behaviour. We then will do an in depth investigation into the habits and daily life of your pet. We collect a comprehensive history, examine in depth the causes and motivations for the unwanted behaviour, and start compiling a holistic plan to assist with management and possible resolution of the problem. For that purpose, you will be asked to complete a pre-consultation form, and you may be asked to visit the vet beforehand to rule out any physical health problems first.
The consultation:
During the consultation We discuss and evaluate the comprehensive history, examine in depth the causes and motivations for the unwanted behaviour, based on your individual animal’s developmental history, emotional state, temperament, and personality. We also discuss ways in which we can help you improve the general wellbeing of your pet. All recommendations put forward are strictly evidence based.
You will be given immediate advice and exercises to get you going followed up by a detailed, practical plan which will be emailed to you within 5 - 7 working days of the visit.
After you have received your session summary, training plan or report, you will be expected to contact us within 2-5 weeks for a follow up appointment to assess progress, and move the practical aspects of the program forward.
For aggression cases and separation related cases, more follow up appointments will be required and packages are available.
Please understand that this consultation is only the first step towards a resolution. Any behaviour modification plan suggested, is dependent on your commitment, patience and the time devoted to it. Behaviour modification can take up to a year.
No ethical behaviourist will guarantee results.

Start your journey with us
Be the person your dog knows you are.